How to Install Python after Downloading?

A Detailed Guide For Installing Python On Your Computer After It Has Been Successfully Downloaded

How to Install  Python  after Downloading?

In this article, we're going to the process of installing Python on your machine after you've downloaded the newest version. Python is an advanced programming language used in many different fields, such as web development, artificial intelligence, data science, and more. It is well-known for its simplicity and versatility. 

Step 1: Download Python. 

Ensure that you have downloaded the most newest version of the python installer from the official python website before starting with the installation process. Choose a version of Python that suits your operating system; it is compatible with Windows, macOS, and Linux. 

Step 2: Begin installing 

Double-click the installer file for Python that you downloaded to start the installation wizard. With this wizard, every step of this procedure will be simplified for you. 

Step 3: Customizing Your Installation (Optional) 

Depending on your preferences, the installation wizard provides customization possibilities. By selecting the "Customize installation" button, you have the option to change the installation. This is where you change the installation path, add Python to the PATH on the machine, and choose other options. Usually, the default settings are good for beginners. 

Step 4: Installing Python 

Click "Install Now" to start the installation after you've adjusted the installation settings. The required files will start to copy to your system by the installation. 

Step 5: Add Python to PATH (Recommended but Optional) 

Running Python scripts from any terminal window or command prompt is made easier by adding Python to the system PATH. You can choose to check the "Add Python to PATH" box when the installation is taking place. You can accomplish this manually if, during the installation, you forget to do it.

To manually add Python to PATH: 

On Windows, open the Start menu; on macOS/Linux, open the terminal. 

On Windows, search for "Environment Variables"; on macOS/Linux, modify the shell profile file (such as bashrc or zshrc). 

To the system PATH, add the installation path for Python. 

Step 6: Verify Installation 

Open a terminal window (macOS/Linux) or command prompt (Windows) and enter the following command to make sure the installation is successful: 

python -version 

The installed version of Python should be shown by this command. You can also run: 

pip -version 

To make sure Python is installed correctly, this verifies the version of the package manager. 

Step 8: Start & Enjoy Coding! 

Now that you have successfully installed Python on your computer, you can start writing code. Create a new Python file (with extension), open your favorite code editor, and start writing your Python code. 

After downloading, installing Python is simple because of the user-friendly installation wizard. Follow these steps to have a fully functional Python environment on your PC, ready for your coding adventures. Because of its versatility, Python is a great choice for developers of all skill levels to use in a variety of applications.