5 Python Web Frameworks You Should Know in 2024

Top 5 Python Web-Frameworks for 2024

5 Python Web Frameworks You Should Know in 2024

Python offers a lot of fantastic tools for creating website, it is important to choose the right framework for your web development project. This Blog, "Top 5 python web frameworks " guides you to choose a right framework for your project, Let's get started .


Django is a powerful python tool for creating website.It consists a lot of useful features and is known for its security. It comes with everything you need for start web development, like handling databases, setting up web addresses, and creating templates for your web-pages. It is great for big and complex web projects, Django is used by MNC's because it can handle a lot of functions together.It is a little bit challenging in the beginning for new coders.


Flask is a simpler, lightweight version of Django, It gives you lots of control and is easy to use,making it perfect for custom web apps.if you're working on a big project Flask might require a little bit more efforts as compared to using Django framework. Flask keeps things simple but lets you add extra features for particular things you want.


FastAPI is a modern web framework used for building RESTful APIs in Python. It uses improved [recently updated] features of Python 3.6 and above version to build high-performance APIs. FastAPI smoothly connects with OpenAPI to making things efficient also provides asynchronous capabilities that enable to do many things at the same time


Tornado is a Python web framework , capable of handling many things at once, especially in real-time. It's perfect for making projects like chat servers and web games. Tornado works on asynchronous approach that might challenging for new users who are more use to with Flask ,Django framework


CherryPy is a simple web framework , it really likes using Python-style and object-oriented methods. CherryPy is not heavy that makes it perfect for small projects and server-side scripts. CherryPy has limited documentation and community support, so it is not suitable for large projects.


In conclusion, This blog introduce the Top python web frameworks. Each web framework has it strengths; Django is powerful, Flask is simple,FastAPI is latest, Tornado is good for real-time projects and CherryPy is lightweight. While selecting framework, developer should consider the project's requirement and needs,to make the right choice!