15 Most Important HTML Interview Questions & Answers

15 Most Important Interview Questions & Answers 


HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a fundamental language used for creating webpages. It provides the structure and content of a webpage by using tags and elements. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, having a strong understanding of HTML is crucial for success in the web development field. In this blog post, we will explore the  most important HTML interview questions and provide comprehensive answers to help you prepare for your next interview.

Are the HTML tags and elements the same thing?

Tags and elements are closely related but not exactly the same. Tags are used to mark the beginning and end of an HTML element, while elements refer to the complete set within the opening and closing tags. In other words, the tags define the boundaries of elements.

For example, to create a paragraph in HTML, we use the <p> tag, which marks the start and end of the paragraph element. So, <p>This is a paragraph.</p> represents an HTML element enclosed within the <p> and </p> tags.

What are tags and attributes in HTML?

In HTML, tags are used to define elements, while attributes provide additional information about them. Tags are enclosed in angle brackets (<>), and most tags have a corresponding closing tag.

Attributes are used within the opening tag of an element and provide extra information. For example, the <a> tag is used to create a hyperlink, and the href attribute specifies the URL to which the link should navigate.

Here's an example of an <a> tag with the href attribute:

<a href="https://www.example.com">Visit Example Website</a>

What are void elements in HTML?

Void elements in HTML do not require a closing tag. They represent empty elements that do not contain any content. Void elements are self-closed with a forward slash at the end of the tag.

Some examples of void elements in HTML are <br>, <img>, and <input>. These elements do not have a closing tag because they are self-contained and do not require any additional content.

Here's an example of a void element:


What is the advantage of collapsing white space?

Collapsing white space involves removing extra spaces, tabs, and new lines between HTML elements, so that only one space is displayed on the webpage, regardless of the amount of white space present in the HTML code.

The advantage of collapsing white space is its optimization of the size and loading speed of webpages. By reducing unnecessary white space, the file size decreases, leading to faster loading times for users.

What are HTML Entities?

HTML Entities are special characters that cannot be directly included in HTML code. Instead, they are represented by their corresponding entity codes or entity names. These entities are utilized to display reserved characters, symbols, and special characters such as the copyright symbol (©), registered trademark symbol (®), and more. For instance, the entity code © is used to represent the copyright symbol.

What kinds of lists are there in HTML?

HTML has ordered lists, unordered lists, and definition lists. There are also ordered lists, which are used when the order of items matters.Each item is displayed with a number or letter. Then there are unordered lists too, used for items that have no specific order. Each item is displayed with a bullet point or another marker. What is a definition list? This kind of list is used to define terms and their corresponding definitions Each term is displayed with a term tag (), and the definition is displayed with a definition tag ()

This is what an ordered list looks like below:

First item

Second item

Third item

What is the 'class' attribute in HTML?

The 'class' attribute in HTML is used to assign one or more class names to an element. Class names are used to group HTML elements together, which allows for easy styling and manipulation through CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Multiple elements can share the same class name, and a single element can have multiple class names separated by a space.

Here's an example of an element with a class attribute:

<div class="container">

  <!-- Content goes here -->


In the use of HTML elements, what is difference between 'id' and 'class' attributes?

The 'id' and 'class' attributes are used to identify HTML elements, but they have some key differences between the two.

The 'id' attribute is meant to be unique within the HTML document and is employed when a distinctive element is to be designated. Typically, it is used to specify a specific element from CSS or JavaScript.

By contrast, the 'class' attribute may be affixed to several elements and is used for collecting elements together in order to make them more easily styled. It permits you to assign the same styles or behavior to many elements.

Describe HTML layout structure.

In HTML, the structure of a webpage can be divided into various sections. These sections form the layout of the webpage and are essential for organizing and presenting content effectively. The HTML layout structure typically includes:

<header>: Represents the introductory content or navigation section at the top of the webpage.

<nav>: Defines the navigation links for the webpage.

<main>: Contains the main content of the webpage.

<article>: Represents an independent and self-contained piece of content.

<section>: Defines a section within the webpage.

<aside>: Represents content related to the main content but not directly a part of it.

<footer>: Represents the footer section at the bottom of the webpage.

What is the difference between <strong>, <b> tags and <em>, <i> tags?

Both <strong> and <b> are used to highlight or emphasize text, but they have different levels of importance. The <strong> tag indicates that the text has strong importance, such as a keyword or a critical piece of information. It carries more weight in terms of SEO and accessibility.

On the other hand, the <b> tag is used to stylistically bold the text without implying any additional importance. It is primarily used for visual styling purposes.

Similarly, the <em> and <i> tags are used for emphasizing text, but they have different meanings. The <em> tag represents text with stress or importance, while the <i> tag is used for stylistic purposes, such as italicizing text.

How to optimize website assets loading?

Optimizing website assets loading is crucial for improving the overall performance of a website. Here are a few techniques to achieve that:

Minify CSS and JavaScript: Reduce the file size of CSS and JavaScript files by removing unnecessary characters, such as white spaces and comments.

Optimize Images: Compress and resize images without sacrificing quality to reduce their file size.

Use Content Delivery Networks (CDNs): Utilize CDNs to deliver static assets, such as images, CSS, and JavaScript files, from servers that are geographically closer to the user.

Enable Browser Caching: Set expiration dates or time-based headers for static resources to enable the browser to cache them. This reduces the number of requests made to the server.

How can we club two or more rows or columns into a single row or column in an HTML table?

To merge rows or columns in an HTML table, we can use the rowspan and colspan attributes.

The rowspan attribute specifies the number of rows a cell should span vertically. The colspan attribute specifies the number of columns a cell should span horizontally.

Here's an example of merging cells in a table:



    <td rowspan="2">Merged Cell</td>

    <td>Normal Cell</td>



    <td>Normal Cell</td>



In how many ways can we position an HTML element?

In HTML, there are several ways to position an element:

Static: The default positioning for an element is static, which means it follows the normal flow of the webpage without any positioning applied.

Relative: Relative positioning allows you to move an element relative to its normal position using CSS properties like top, right, bottom, and left.

Absolute: Absolute positioning allows you to precisely position an element relative to its nearest positioned ancestor or the initial containing block. This can be achieved using CSS properties like top, right, bottom, and left.

Fixed: Fixed positioning allows you to position an element relative to the browser window. The element stays fixed even when the page is scrolled.

Sticky: Sticky positioning is a hybrid of relative and fixed positioning. It allows an element to be positioned based on the user's scroll position while still maintaining its position in the normal flow until a specific threshold is reached.

In how many ways can you display HTML elements?

HTML elements can be displayed in different ways using CSS:

Block: Block-level elements occupy the entire width of their parent container and create a new line before and after the element. Examples of block-level elements include <div>, <p>, and <h1> to <h6>.

Inline: Inline elements do not create line breaks before or after themselves and only take up as much space as needed. They flow alongside other inline elements. Examples of inline elements include <a>, <span>, and <strong>.

Inline-Block: Inline-block elements are similar to inline elements, but they behave like block-level elements in terms of being able to set width, height, and margins.

None: Setting the display property to none will hide the element completely, and it won't take up any space in the layout.


HTML knowledge is fundamental for any web developer or aspiring candidate. Being familiar with the most important HTML interview questions and answers is crucial for acing interviews and demonstrating your expertise. In this blog post, we covered various topics, including tags and attributes, HTML layout structure, positioning elements, and much more. By mastering these questions, you'll be well-prepared to tackle HTML-related questions and showcase your skills in job interviews.

Good luck with your interviews, and may your HTML expertise shine!