Macros In C Language

Understanding the C Preprocessor and Macros

The C preprocessor is a crucial tool that processes our source code before it reaches the compiler. Placed before main(), preprocessor directives begin with the # symbol and are devoid of semicolons. In this blog, we'll delve into macro substitution, a fundamental aspect of the preprocessor.

Macro Substitution

Macro substitution involves replacing identifiers in a program with predefined strings comprising one or more tokens. The #define statement facilitates the definition of macros, following the syntax:
#define identifier string
When incorporated at the program's outset, every instance of the identifier in the source code is substituted with the specified string during preprocessing. The identifier is commonly referred to as the macro's template, and its corresponding string represents the macro expansion.

Constants and Expressions

Macros are frequently employed to define constants, as illustrated by the example:
#define PI 3.14
Expressions can also be part of a macro definition:
#define VAL 10*10
#define Area L*B

Macros with Arguments

Macro substitution can involve arguments, enhancing its versatility. The syntax for macros with arguments is:
#define identifier(arg1, arg2, ..., argn) string
Ensure no spaces exist between the identifier and the left parenthesis. The formal arguments (arg1, arg2, ...) transform the macros into "macro calls."

Let's explore practical examples:

Example 1
  #include <stdio.h>

    #define a 5

    int main() {
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < a; i++) {
            printf("\n%d", i);
        return 0;

This program defines a macro a with the value 5.
In the main function, a for loop is used to print numbers from 0 to 4 (since a is 5).
The macro a is essentially acting as a constant, allowing for easy modification of the loop's range by changing a single value.

Example 2
    #include <stdio.h>

    #define area(r) (3.14 * r * r)

    int main() {
        float circleArea, radius;
        printf("Enter the radius: ");
        scanf("%f", &radius);
        circleArea = area(radius);
        printf("Area of circle = %f\n", circleArea);
        return 0;

This program calculates the area of a circle using a macro area that takes the radius r as an argument.
The user inputs the radius, and the area macro is called to compute the area using the formula for the area of a circle (3.14 * r * r).
The result is then printed.

Example 3
#include <stdio.h>

    #define range(no) (no >= 1 && no <= 100)

    int main() {
        int number;
        printf("Enter the number: ");
        scanf("%d", &number);
        if (range(number))
            printf("\nThe number is in the given range: %d", number);
            printf("\nThe number is not in the given range: %d", number);
        return 0;

This program defines a macro range that checks whether a given number is between 1 and 100 (inclusive).
The user inputs a number, and the program uses the range macro to determine if the number is within the specified range.
The result is then printed.

Example 4
#include <stdio.h>

    #define range(no) (no >= 1 && no <= 100)
    #define r printf("\nThe number %d is in the given range", no);
    #define r1 printf("\nThe number %d is not in the given range", no);

    int main() {
        int number;
        printf("Enter the number: ");
        scanf("%d", &number);
        if (range(number))
        return 0;

Building upon Example 3, this program introduces additional macros (r and r1) to print messages based on the result of the range check.
The macros are used within the if-else structure to print messages indicating whether the number is in the given range or not.

Example 5
#include <stdio.h>

    #define area(x) (3.14 * (x) * (x))

    int main() {
        float radius, circleArea;
        printf("Enter the radius: ");
        scanf("%f", &radius);
        circleArea = area(radius);
        printf("\nArea = %f", circleArea);
        return 0;

This program calculates the area of a circle using a macro area that takes the radius x as an argument.
The user inputs the radius, and the area macro is called to compute the area using the formula for the area of a circle (3.14 * x * x).
The result is then printed.
These examples showcase how macros can enhance code readability, maintainability, and flexibility by encapsulating repetitive or formulaic code into reusable units.


Understanding the C preprocessor and macros is essential for efficient code development. From defining constants to incorporating expressions and arguments, macros offer a powerful mechanism for code manipulation before it reaches the compiler. Incorporate these concepts into your C programming repertoire for enhanced flexibility and efficiency.