Function In C Language Part-1

Mastering Functions in C Programming: A Comprehensive Guide

C programming is highly reliant on functions, making it a modular programming language where programs are built by combining various functions. In this blog post, we will explore the basics of functions in C and their types.

Introduction to Functions

A function in C is a self-contained block of statements designed to perform a specific task. Every C program starts with the user-defined function main(), which calls other functions to share the workload.

Throughout our programming journey, we have encountered functions like main(), printf(), and scanf(), which are predefined. However, we can also create our own functions, categorized as either Library functions or User-Defined functions.

Library Functions
Library functions are predefined, with limited visibility into their internal workings. Users can utilize these functions without concern for their source code. For example, sqrt(81) returns the result 9 without revealing its implementation details.

User-Defined Functions
User-defined functions, on the other hand, are created by users to meet specific requirements. Users have the flexibility to modify these functions as needed. This approach allows the division of a program into smaller, independently coded, debugged, and tested sub-programs, i.e., functions.

Advantages of Functions

Functions offer several advantages:

Code Size Reduction: By defining functions only once and calling them from different parts of the program, code size is reduced.
Ease of Coding and Debugging: Individual functions are easy to code and debug, addressing errors efficiently.
Modular Approach: Functions enable a top-down modular approach where the overall problem is solved first, followed by the details of lower levels.
Readability: Small functions are self-documenting and highly readable.
Reusability: Functions can be called any number of times from different locations with different actual parameters.

Function Syntax

The syntax for a C function is as follows:
Return_type function_name(data_type formal_parameter1, data_type formal_parameter2) {
        // Local variable declarations
        // Statements
        return expression;
Return Type: Specifies the data type of the value the function returns.
Function Name: Should be a valid C identifier reflecting the function's purpose.
Formal Parameters: Declare variables that receive data passed by the calling program.
Return Statement: Optional; used to return a value to the calling function.
Types of Functions
Functions can be categorized based on return type/value and argument list:

Function with No Argument and No Return Value:

void functionName() {
        // Body of the function
This example defines a function greet() that prints a welcome message. In main(), the function is called to display the message.
#include <stdio.h>

    void greet() {
        printf("Welcome to Functions\n");

    int main() {
        printf("Go to function..\n");
        printf("Out of Function\n");
        return 0;
In this case, the greet() function does not take any arguments and does not return a value. It simply prints a welcome message when called.

Function with Argument and No Return Value: 

void functionName(data_type parameter1, data_type parameter2) {
        // Body of the function
This example defines a function add() that takes two integers as arguments, adds them, and prints the result. In main(), the function is called with user-input values.
#include <stdio.h>

    void add(int a, int b) {
        int sum = a + b;
        printf("The sum is: %d\n", sum);

    int main() {
        int i, j;
        printf("Function to add numbers\n");
        printf("Enter value for i: ");
        scanf("%d", &i);
        printf("Enter value for j: ");
        scanf("%d", &j);
        add(i, j);
        return 0;
In this case, the add() function takes two integers as arguments, performs the addition, and prints the result. The main() function collects user input and calls the add() function with those inputs.

Function without Argument and with Return Value:

Return_type functionName(data_type parameter1, data_type parameter2) {
        // Body of the function
        return value;
This example defines a function add() that prompts the user for two integers, adds them, and returns the result. In main(), the returned value is printed.
#include <stdio.h>

    int add() {
        int a, b, c;
        printf("Enter a and b: ");
        scanf("%d %d", &a, &b);
        c = a + b;
        return c;

    int main() {
        int x;
        x = add();
        printf("Addition: %d\n", x);
        return 0;
Here, the add() function takes two integers as arguments, performs the addition, and returns the result. The main() function captures the returned value and prints it.

Function with Argument and Return Value:

  Return_type functionName(data_type parameter1, data_type parameter2) {
        // Body of the function
        return value;
This example defines a function add() that takes two integers as arguments, adds them, and returns the result. In main(), user-input values are used, and the returned value is printed.

  #include <stdio.h>

    int add(int x, int y) {
        int z = x + y;
        return z;

    int main() {
        int a, b, c;
        printf("Enter a and b: ");
        scanf("%d %d", &a, &b);
        c = add(a, b);
        printf("Addition: %d\n", c);
        return 0;
Here, the add() function takes two integers as arguments, performs the addition, and returns the result. The main() function captures the returned value and prints it.

Nesting of Functions

C allows the nesting of functions, where a function being called can itself call another function. This creates a chain of function calls. Here's a simple example:
#include <stdio.h>

    void Italy();
    void Brazil();
    void Argentina();

    int main() {
        printf("I am in main()\n");
        printf("I am finally back in main()\n");
        return 0;

    void Italy() {
        printf("I am in Italy\n");

    void Brazil() {
        printf("I am in Brazil\n");

    void Argentina() {
        printf("I am in Argentina\n");
In this example, the main() function calls Italy(), which in turn calls Brazil(), creating a sequence of nested functions.


Mastering functions in C programming is a fundamental step toward writing organized, efficient, and modular code. By understanding the syntax, types, and advantages of functions, programmers can enhance their ability to create versatile and reusable code structures. Whether it's a simple function without arguments or a complex nested function chain, the versatility of C functions empowers developers to build robust and scalable programs. Happy coding!